Design research at Bartlett School of Architecture
Directed by Jose Sanchez with the assistance of Sergio Irigoyen

This Gamescapes agenda developed at UCL London was the first studio developed by Jose Sanchez combining Architecture with Game studies. The studio generated the framework for a generative in-game design approach, based on games like Minecraft or Sim City. The studio was done as a collaborative research with 3 student teams generating the outcome of 3 video games; ‘Reon’, ‘Wireflies’ and ‘Breath’.
This 3 video games allow players to design architecture and obtain data from their creations. 
The projects combine a study of tectonics with resource management and energy production. The presentation of data to a user through the user interface, allows for a fluid feedback loop between the player and the object being designed, allow them to take decisions.
This idea is founded on notions of human - computer symbiosis developed by J.C.R. Licklider.
The project ‘Wireflies’ was awarded a Silver medal at The Bartlett School of Architecture.

Efthymia Dimitra Kotsani, George Tsakiridis

Dimitra Angelopoulou, Iro Karantaki, Vassia Diamanti

Xuan Guo and Xing Xiao